Smartphone Juice Jacking: Risks and Prevention Methods

June 24, 2021

First of all, let me explain to you that juice jacking is a cyber attack on a charging port at public places which doubles as a data connection over USB that can steal your private data from your smartphone, tablet, computer, and other electronic gadgets. This practice is used by cyber attackers in which they have malicious coding to steal your data especially for those who regularly use the public charging port. This can be avoided easily by using simple ways.

Here gadgetwiz we repair smartphones, tablets, laptops but we can help to save you from cyber attacks.

So there are several precautions and techniques that you can use to avoid hacking, without any fear of hacking or juice jacking because juice jacking can take place anywhere.

There is a huge risk for business travellers because they travel a lot for business purposes, they commonly use the charging ports in planes and public places. So you should have basic knowledge about juice jacking, blow are the precautions: Here are several ways to ensure you’re never at-risk of juice jacking, even if you’re charging your phone in a public place:

First of all, people who have an iPhone should not have to worry because the iPhone has a strict privacy policy that does not allow access. Just consider no and it will not damage your device.

Buy an adaptor to use while travelling which reduces the chances of hacking.

This is the separate device you should purchase which helps you out by limiting their charging capabilities only. many regular traveler purchase these to avoid the risk of juice jacking.

The quality of the battery also matters if you have a more than 3 thousand mAH battery that you will not need to charge your phone many times or keep the power bank to charge your phone. It also reduces the risk of juice jacking.

And also keep the smartphone that has a strict privacy policy that will not let any hacker attack your device,

These are the simple precautions that will be followed to avoid data risk. following these steps reduce the risks of cyberattacks.

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